'Palgrave1'Index links to: Lead / Letter
Families covered: Palgrave of Norwood Barningham, Palgrave of Palgrave, Palgrave of Thuckston (Thuxton)
It appears that there is/was a village called Pargrave in Norfolk and there certainly is one called Palgrave in Suffolk whilst it appears from the web site of The Palgrave Society that some Palgraves moved from Suffolk into Norfolk at an early date. BEB1841 uses Palgrave throughout as did the later Visitation but the early Visitation used Pagrave whilst identifying the first John as "of Pagrave in Norfolk". 'Pargrave' was a common variant. | |||||||||||||||
John de Palgrave of Palgrave, Norfolk (Suffolk?) | |||||||||||||||
m. Sibill Hethersett (dau of William de Hetherset of Hetherset, son of Sir John) | |||||||||||||||
1. | John Palgrave of Palgrave this generation omitted by BEB1841 | ||||||||||||||
m1. (sp) Margaret Herward (dau of Clement Herward of Alborough) | |||||||||||||||
m2. Ann Sturmer (dau of Henry Sturmer of Norwich) | |||||||||||||||
A. | John Palgrave 'of Norwood Barningham' | ||||||||||||||
m. Margaret (or Mary) Yelverton (dau of Sir William Yelverton of Rougham) | |||||||||||||||
i. | Henry Palgrave 'of Palgrave' | ||||||||||||||
m. Anne Glemham (dau of John Glemham of Glemham) | |||||||||||||||
a. | John Palgrave (d young) | ||||||||||||||
b. | Clement (or George?) Palgrave of Palgrave 'of Norwood Barningham' | ||||||||||||||
BEB1841 names him George and then jumps forward to Sir John, 1st Bart, describing him as "lineally descended" from George. However, the Visitations name him Clement. | |||||||||||||||
m. Margerie Read (dau of William Read of Beckles) | |||||||||||||||
(1) | John Palgrave of Norwood or Northwood Bemingham (Norwood Barningham) (b 1530-1, bur 28.05.1611) | ||||||||||||||
The hamlet, in Norfolk, is now called Barningham Norwood. | |||||||||||||||
m. Urith Saunder (bur 29.07.1600, dau of William Saunder or Saunders of Ewell) | |||||||||||||||
(A) | Sir Augustine Palgrave of Norwood Barningham, Sheriff of Norfolk (bpt 05.11.1569, bur 14.11.1639) | ||||||||||||||
m. Elizabeth Willoughby (d 1633, dau of Sir John Willoughby of Risley) | |||||||||||||||
(i) | Sir Augustine Palgrave, 1st Bart of Norwood Barningham (bpt 26.06.1605, bur 26.04.1672) | ||||||||||||||
m1. Elizabeth Jermy (bur 19.12.1634, dau of John Jermy of Gunton) | |||||||||||||||
(a) | Sir Augustine Palgrave, 2nd Bart of Norwood Barningham, Sheriff of Norfolk (bpt 01.12.1629, bur 13.03.1710-1) | ||||||||||||||
BEB1841 reports that Augustine had no issue by either of his first two marriages, showing Richard, Elizabeth & Urith as all by his third marriage. We follow Visitation (i.e. the Harleian editor) in allocating his children as follows. | |||||||||||||||
m1. Barbara Gascoigne (dau of Cotton Gascoigne of Illington) | |||||||||||||||
((1)) | John Palgrave (b 1656, dvpsp) | ||||||||||||||
((2)) | Elizabeth Palgrave | ||||||||||||||
m. (08.08.1686) William Winspear | |||||||||||||||
m2. Katherine Spring (d 01.09.1682, dau of Sir William Spring of Pakenham) | |||||||||||||||
((3)) | Urith Palgrave (bpt 08.03.1661) | ||||||||||||||
m. (08.11.1683) Haynes Barlee of Essex (d 06.07.1691) | |||||||||||||||
m3. (21.05.1686) Anne Howe (d 08.08.1714, dau of Sir Richard Grubham Howe of Wishford) | |||||||||||||||
((4)) | Sir Richard Palgrave, 3rd Bart (bpt 06.10.1688, d unm 06.11.1732) | ||||||||||||||
(b) | John Palgrave of the Inner Temple (bpt 05.07.1632) | ||||||||||||||
m. Diana Covert (bur 02.07.1715, dau/heir of Thomas Covert of Slaugham) | |||||||||||||||
((1)) | Diana Palgrave (bpt 1674, bur 1697) | ||||||||||||||
(c) | Elizabeth Palgrave | ||||||||||||||
m2. (1634) Anne de Grey (d 25.12.1676, dau of Sir William de Grey of Merton or Martin) | |||||||||||||||
(d) | Nathaniel Palgrave (bpt 02.08.1648, bur 14.12.1705, rector of Letheringset) | ||||||||||||||
m1. Mary Worsley (dau of Edward Worsley, rector of Letheringset) | |||||||||||||||
((1)) | Mary Palgrave (dsp) | ||||||||||||||
m2. Anne Hunt (bur 05.01.1718-9, dau of George Hunt of Sall) | |||||||||||||||
((2)) | Rev. John Palgrave had issue | ||||||||||||||
As the baronetcy expired on the death of the 3rd baronet, it is presumed that John had no surviving sons. | |||||||||||||||
(e) | Ursula Palgrave | ||||||||||||||
m. _ Smith | |||||||||||||||
(f)+ | other issue - William (dsp), Clement (dsp), Anne | ||||||||||||||
(ii) | Mary Palgrave | ||||||||||||||
m. Thomas Playters | |||||||||||||||
(iii) | Urith Palgrave (d 1681) | ||||||||||||||
m1/2. William Barsham (Basham of Barningham Northwood) | |||||||||||||||
m2/1. Samuel Smith | |||||||||||||||
(iv)+ | other issue - Henry (bpt 1606), Clement (bpt 1609, bur 1649), Augustine, Willoughby (bpt 1617, bur 1617-8), Richard (bpt 1618, bur 1619), Frances (d unm 1620-1), Frances (d unm 1619), Anne (d unm 1614) | ||||||||||||||
(B) | Jane Palgrave | ||||||||||||||
m2/1. Robert Lawrence | |||||||||||||||
(i) | Jane Lawrence | ||||||||||||||
m. (1628) Ralph Cooke of Pakenham | |||||||||||||||
This appears to be the Jane (b c1565, d 07.01.1623) who (also, previously?) married ... | |||||||||||||||
m1/2. Sir Isaac Jermy of Stutton | |||||||||||||||
(2) | Margaret Palgrave | ||||||||||||||
m1. Thomas Hoo of Burnham (d 1571) | |||||||||||||||
m2. John Ferrour of Gressenhall | |||||||||||||||
(3) | Frances Palgrave | ||||||||||||||
m. Arthur Fountayne of Sawle | |||||||||||||||
(4) | Elizabeth Palgrave | ||||||||||||||
m. Christopher Davye of Gunthorpe | |||||||||||||||
(5) | Susan Palgrave possibly of this generation | ||||||||||||||
m. Anthony Gurney | |||||||||||||||
(6)+ | other issue - Robert, Joan (dsp), Margery (dsp), Dorothy, Bridget, Elizabeth | ||||||||||||||
c. | Thomas Palgrave or Pagrave of Thuckston, Norfolk | ||||||||||||||
m. Alice Gounton (dau of Robert Gounton of Thuckston) | |||||||||||||||
(1) | Gregory Palgrave or Pagrave of Thuckston | ||||||||||||||
m. Mary Sefoule (dau of Gyles Sefoule of Waterden) | |||||||||||||||
(A) | Robert Palgrave or Pagrave of Thuckston | ||||||||||||||
m. Catherine Pigeon (dau of Thomas Pigeon of Clipsby) | |||||||||||||||
(i) | Gregory Palgrave 'of Thuxton' (bpt 15.03.1603-4, bur 30.04.1665, 2nd son) who married ... | ||||||||||||||
m. Elizabeth Lane (bur 16.11.1640, dau of Robert Lane of Campsea Abbey & Thuxton) | |||||||||||||||
(ii)+ | other issue - Thomas, Robert, Frances, Elizabeth | ||||||||||||||
(B) | Gregory Palgrave | ||||||||||||||
(2) | Anne Palgrave | ||||||||||||||
m. Gregory Clark of Therne | |||||||||||||||
(3) | Margaret Palgrave | ||||||||||||||
m. Robert Durrant of Melton | |||||||||||||||
(4)+ | other issue - Edward, Walter( dsp), William (dsp), Mary | ||||||||||||||
d. | Frances Pargrave probably of this generation | ||||||||||||||
m. Sir William Pennington, Sheriff of Cumberland (d 20.04.1532) | |||||||||||||||
Main source(s): Visitation (Norfolk, 1563+1589+1613, Pagrave), Visitation (Norfolk, 1664, Palgrave), BEB1841 (Palgrave of Norwood Barningham)
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