'Braose1'Index links to: Lead / Letter
Families covered: Braose of Bramber, Braose of Braose, Braose of Brecknock, Braose of Gower, Brewes (Breuse) of Stinton, Brewose (Braose) of Tetbury, Braose (Brewse) of Westneston (Wiston)

BE1883 identifies the arms of this family as "Az., semée of cross-crosslets, a lion rampant, or, armed and langued, gu.".
William de Braose (or Braiose or Briouse or Breuse or Brewes) of Bramber (a 1066, d by 1096)
m. Eve de Boissey (widow of Anchetil de Harcourt) possibly mother of ...
1. Philip de Braose of Radnor (d before 1139)
  m. Aanor (dau of Judael of Totnes)
A. William de Braose of Brecknock and Bramber (d c1180)
  m. Berta of Gloucester (dau of Milo de Gloucester, Earl of Hereford)
  i. William de Braose of Brecknock, Lord of Bramber, Gower, Abergavenny, etc (d 09.08.1211)
  m. Maud de Waleran or St. Walerie (d 1210)
  a. William de Braose of Totnes (dvp 1210)
  m. Maud de Clare (b 1175/84, d 1213, dau of Richard de Clare, 4th Earl of Hertford)
  (1) John de Braose 'Tadody', Lord of Bramber and Gower (b 1198, d 1231/2)
  m. Margaret of Wales (dau of Llywelyn 'the Great', Prince of Wales)
  (A) William de Braose, Lord of Bramber and Gower (b 1220, d c01.1290/1)
BE1883 shows William's first wife as Isabel de Clare and Aliva de Moulton as his son William's only wife. We follow TCP, supported also by the BraoseWeb site.
  m1. Aline de Moulton (dau of Thomas de Moulton of Burgh-on-Sands)
  (i) William de Braose, Lord of Bramber and Gower (b 1261, d 1322 / before 01.05.1326)
  m1. Agnes
  (a) William de Braose of Landimore (dvpsp 1320)
  (b) Aline (Aliva) de Braose (d c1331)
  m1. (1298) John de Mowbray of Axholme, 2nd Lord (d 1321)
  m2. Sir Richard de Peshale or Pershall
(c) Joan de Braose (d 1323)
  m1. (c1295) James de Bohun of Midhurst (d 1306)
  m2. Sir Richard Foliot of Gressenhall
  m2. (before 24.04.1317) Elizabeth de Sully (dsp before 24.08.1238, dau of Sir Raymund de Sully of Sully)
  m2. Agnes (dau of Nicholas de Moels of Cadbury)
  (ii) Giles de Braose of Knolton and Woodlands
m3. (by 1271) Mary de Ros (d before 23.05.1326, dau of William de Ros of Elmsley)
  (iii) Richard Brewose of Tetbury (d 1295)
  (iv) Peter (Piers) Brewose of Tetbury (d 1311/2)
  m. Agnes
(a) Sir Thomas de Brewose of Manningford Bruce, etc., Lord Brewose (d 06.1361)
  m. (before 13.09.1337) Beatrice de Mortimer (dau of Roger de Mortimer, Earl of March)
  ((1)) Sir John Brewose of Tetbury (b c1339, dsp 03.02.1366/7)
  ((2)) Sir Thomas de Brewose of Manningford, Tetbury, etc (d 02.09.1395)
  m. Margaret
  ((A)) Thomas de Brewose (b 26.08.1395, d 07.10.1395/6)
  ((B)) Joan de Brewose (b 1393, d 10.10.1395)
  ((3)) Beatrice de Brewose
  m. William de Saye, 3rd Lord (b 17.06.1340, d before 07.08.1375)
  The following connections are given by 'A History of the Castles, Mansions, and Manors of Western Sussex' by Dudley George Carey Elwes & Rev. Charles Robinson (1876, 'De Braose of Wiston', by p263) albeit with dotted lines to Peter & Mary.
(b) John de Braose of Lea, Lincolnshire
  m. Margaret de Trehampton (d 1353-4)
  ((1)) John de Braos ("The Idiot") had issue
  m. Joan de Cornwall
  (c) Peter de Brewes
  Elwes & Robinson show this as the Peter who purchased Wiston. We show that Peter just below ##.
  (d) Mary de Brewes (d 1363)
  m1. Sir Ralph de Cobham (d 02.1325/6, Lord Cobham?)
  m2. (c1328) Thomas Plantagenet 'de Brotherton', Earl of Norfolk (b 01.06.1300, d 1338)
  (v) William Brewose of Wiston
  (vi) Margaret de Braose
  m. (1303) Sir Ralph de Camoys, Baron (d 1336, Constable of Windsor Castle)
  (B) Sir Richard de Braose (Breuse) (b before 1232, d before 18.06.1292) - continued below
  Richard is not mentioned by either BE1883 or the BraoseWeb site but is reported in TCP (Breuse or Brewes).
  m. (before 09.09.1265) Alice le Rus (b c1246, d before 28.01.1300/1, dau of William le Rus of Stinton)
  (C)+ other issue - John of Glasbury (Lord), Llywelyn
  (2) Giles de Braose
  The following connection is given by Visitation (Sussex, 1530+1633-4, Shirley).
  m. Beatrix St. Helene (dau of Sir John St. Helene of Crowell)
  (A) Giles de Braose or Brewse
  (i) Jey de Braose or Brewse (a 1326)
  (a) Peter Brewse of Westneston (Wiston, Sussex) & Wedonhull
  This appears to be the Peter whose ancestry is shown differently by Elwes & Robinson (see just above ##). Visitation identifies his wife as a dau of Lord Ros but, whilst Elwes & Robinson first identify her as Joan, granddau of Lady Ada de Saundford, and then report another source as suggesting that she was dau of Sir John Weedon, they report that it was "More likely" that she was ...
m. Joan de Mautravers (dau/coheir of John de Mautravers by Joan, dau of Sir Walter Foliot by Ada de Saundford)
  ((1)) Sir Jey (John) Brewse of Westneston (dsp(s))
  m1. Margaret Poynings (dau of Sir Thomas Poynings, Lord St. John of Basinge)
  ((A)) son (d infant)
  m2. _ Wykham
  ((2)) Beatrix Brewse or Braose (d 1439-40)
  m. Sir Hugh Shirley (d Shrewsbury 1403)
  (B) Lucy Braose (b 1298) probably of this generation
  m. (by 1313) Robert Maltravers (d before 1322)
  (3) Walter de Braose (4th son)
  m. Hawise de London
  (4) Maud de Braose
  m. Henry de Tracy
(5)+ other issue - Philip, Gilbert
  b. Reginald de Braose (d 06.1228)
  m1. Groecia de Bruere (dau of William de Bruere)
  (1) William de Braose of Brecknock & Abergavenny (b c1197, d 02.05.1230)
  m. Eva Marshall (dau of William Mareschal, 1st Earl of Pembroke)
  (A) Isabel de Braose
  m1. Dafydd, Prince of Gwynedd (d 1246)
  m2. Peter FitzHerbert
(B) Maud de Braose (d before 23.03.1300/1) HJY
  m. (1247) Roger de Mortimer, lord of Wigmore (d before 30.10.1282) HJY
  (C) Eve de Braose (d 07.1255)
  m. William de Cantilupe, Lord of Abergavenny (d 25.09.1254)
(D) Eleanor de Braose
  m. Humphrey de Bohun (dvp)
  m2. Gwladus Dhu (dau of Llywelyn, Prince of Gwynedd)
  c. Sir John de Braose of Knylle/Knill (a 1187)
  m. (?) Amabel de Limesi
  d. Maud de Braose H
  m. Gruffydd, Lord of South Wales (d 1202) H
  e. Bertha de Braose HJY
  m. Walter (not William) de Beauchamp HJY
  There is some confusion regarding this Bertha as some sources confuse her with the Maud de Braose of an earlier generation (see below ##) who married William de Beauchamp, grandfather of Walter. Many web sites show her a generation earlier. We provisionally follow the BraoseWeb site referred to below which suggests that she may have been of this generation.
f. Margaret de Braose HY
  m. Walter de Laci of Meath, Ludlow, etc, Sheriff of Herefordshire (d 1241) HY
  g. Eleanora (Annora) de Braose
  m. Hugh de Mortimer of Wigmore (dsps 10.11.1227)
  h. Loretta de Braose
  m. Robert de Beaumont, 4th Earl of Leicester, Steward of England (dsp 10.1204)
  i.+ other issue - Giles (d 17.11.1215, Bishop of Hereford), Roger, Philip, Thomas, Walter, Henry, Bernard, Flandrina (Abbess)
  ii. Maud de Braose
  m. John de Brompton (Brampton)
iii. Sibyl de Braose (a 1219) HJY
  m1. William de Ferrers, 3rd Earl of Derby (d before 21.10.1190) HJY
  m2. Adam de Port, lord of Basing, Governor of Southampton Castle (d 28.07.1213)
  iv.+ other issue - John, Roger
  B. Philip de Braose
  m. Matilda de Pont de l'Arche
  C. Basilia de Braose
  m. Odo de Danmartin
  i. Margaret de Danmartin
  m. Richard de Lucy
  ii.+ other issue - Odo, Nicholas
2. Maud de Braose possibly of this generation
  There is some confusion regarding this Maud and the Bertha who married her grandson Walter de Beauchamp (see above ##).
  m. William de Beauchamp of Elmley, Sheriff (d 1170)



Sir Richard de Braose (Breuse) (b before 1232, d before 18.06.1292) - continued above
m. (before 09.09.1265) Alice le Rus (b c1246, d before 28.01.1300/1, dau/heir of William le Rus of Stinton (by Agatha, dau/heir of Roger de Clere of Bramley & Ludborough), widow of Richard Lungspeye (sic))
1. Sir Giles de Breuse (d before 06.02.1310/1)
  m1. Katherine de Huntingfield (dau of Sir Laurence de Huntingfield)
  m2. Joan de Beaumont (dau of Richard de Beaumont of Witnesham)
  A. Richard de Breuse (b c1302)
  m. Alianora Shelton (dau of Sir John Shelton)
  i. Mary de Breuse
  m. Sir John Weyland of Blaxhall and Ash
  ii. Katherine de Breuse
  TCP reports that some say this Katherine married Sir John Howard and was grandmother of William, Chief Justice in 1297 "but this pedigree is well known to be spurious."
B. Robert de Breuse (dsp before 12.07.1325)
  m. Katherine de Norwich (dau of Sir Thomas de Norwich)
  C. Sir John de Brewes of Stinton, etc. (b 10.08.1306, a 05.1370)
  m. Eve d'Ufford (a 05.1370, dau of Sir Robert Ufford, Lord Ufford, by Cicely de Valoignes)
  i. Sir John Brewes of Stinton, etc., Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk (b c1332, d before 1402)
  m. Joan (or Agnes?) de Shardelowe (dau of Sir John de Shardelowe of Barton Mills & Cooling by Margaret)
a. Sir Robert Brewes of Stinton, Topcroft, etc. (d 1424)
  m. Ela Stapleton (dau of Sir Miles Stapleton of Bedale & Ingham by Ela Ufford)
  (1) Sir Thomas Brewes of Stinton, Topcroft, Wenham, etc., Sheriff of Norfolk & Suffolk (d 17.06.1482)
  m1. Joan or Mary (or Anne) Calthorpe (dau of Sir John Calthorpe by Anne Wythe)
  m2. (before 16.10.1456) Elizabeth Debenham (a 07.1501, dau of Gilbert Debenham of Tattingston & Flixton, sister/heir of Sir Gilbert)
  (2) Margaret de Brewes apparently of this generation, ## see here ##
  m. Sir John Shelton of Shelton (d c1431)
2. Margaret de Brewes apparently of this generation
  m1. Roger de Colvile of Bytham Castle (b c1250, d 1287/8)
  m2. Sir Walter Devereux (d 1320)

Main source(s):
(1) For upper section (uploaded 12.10.02) : BE1883 (Braose of Gower), TCP (Brewes) with support & some input from http://freespace.virgin.net/doug.thompson/BraoseWeb/ which looks well researched and quotes most of its sources
(2) For lower section (uploaded 16.09.06) : TCP (Breuse or Brewes)
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