Listings by title or estate - British & Irish families
This page will never cover all of the titles and estates in the database. To keep the number of entries to a manageable level, we normally exclude families whose titles or estates are the same as their family names (or vice versa). The following will normally exclude titles created since 1800 and may not cover all persons who held the relevant title, particularly if it was in a family for only a generation or two. Remember that, if you cannot find a well-known title under one category, it may have been included under another - for example if the family continued to use the same place-name after being promoted (eg Baron of XX becoming Earl of XX). Don't forget that most browsers have a Find facility (normally Ctrl+F) that will enable you to search this page for a particular word or phrase.
Click here for a page listing the names of most of the British & Irish families in the database.
Don't forget that the database follows the Ancestral Lines of selected historic 'royals'.
England | Saxons03 Normans1 Plantagenet1 Plantagenet2 Plantagenet3 Tudor01 |
Scotland | Alpin1 Atholl1 Baliol1 Bruce02 Stewart01 Stewart02 Stewart20 |
United Kingdom | Stewart04 Royals02 Royals01 |
Albany - Stewart06 Albemarle - Monck1 Ancaster - Bertie1 Argyll - Campbell02 Atholl - Murray03 Beaufort - Somerset2 Bedford - Russell03 Bolton - Paulet3 Brandon - Hamilton13 Bridgewater - Egerton3 Buccleuch - Scott04 Buckingham1 - Stafford02 Buckingham2 - Villiers02 Buckingham3 - Grenville1 Chandos - Brydges02 Cleveland1 - Stewart04 Cleveland2 - Vane1 Devonshire - Cavendish2 Dorset - Sackville02 Exeter - Holand1 Grafton - FitzRoy1 Hamilton1 - Hamilton09 Hamilton2 - Hamilton13 Kingston - Pierrepont2 Leeds - Osborne01 Leinster - FitzGerald02 Lennox - Lennox2 Manchester - Montagu02 Marlborough1 - Churchill1 Marlborough2 - Spencer02 Montrose - Graham09 Newcastle1 - Pelham02 Newcastle2 - Clinton02 Norfolk1 - Mowbray01 Norfolk2 - Howard02 Northumberland - Smithson1 Portland - Bentinck1 Queensberry1 - Douglas09 Queensberry2 - Scott04 Richmond - Lennox2 Roxburghe - Ker03 Rutland - Manners2 St. Albans - Beauclerk1 Somerset1 - Beaufort (Plantagenet3) Somerset2 - Seymour01 Suffolk1 - Pole01 Suffolk2 - Brandon (BZmisc03) Suffolk3 - Grey07 Sutherland - Gower02 Wellington - Wellesley2 York - Plantagenet2
Abercorn - Hamilton10 Anglesey - Bayly1 (Paget) Bristol - Hervey02 Camden - Pratt01 Conyngham - Burton02 Dorset - Grey07 Downshire - Hill02 Drogheda - Moore02 Ely - Tottenham1 Halifax - Savile02 Headfort - Taylor01 Hertford - Seymour04 Landsowne - FitzMaurice02 Londonderry - Stewart26 Montrose - Graham09 Powis - Herbert02 Queensberry - Douglas09 Rockingham - Watson01 Salisbury - Cecil2 Sligo - Brown07 Tweeddale - Hay05 Waterford - Beresford3 Westminster - Grosvenor2 Winchester - Paulet3EARLS
Abercorn - Hamilton10 Aberdeen - Gordon06 Abergavenny - Nevill03 Abingdon - Bertie2 Aboyne - Gordon08 Ailesbury1 - Bruce05 Ailesbury2 - Brudenell2 Airlie - Ogilvy03 Albemarle - Keppel1 Aldborough - Stratford3 Altamont - Brown07 Ancram - Ker2 Anglesey1 - Villiers02 Anglesey2- Annesley2 Angus1 - Angus (AZmisc01) Angus2 - Umfraville (UZmisc01) Angus3 - Stewart03 Angus4 - Douglas02 Antrim - MacDonald05 Ardglass - Cromwell02 Argyll - Campbell02 Arran (Ireland)1 - Butler02 Arran (Ireland)2 - Gore2 Arran (Scotland) - Hamilton01 Arundel1 - Montgomery01 Arundel2 - Albini (AZmisc01) Arundel3 - FitzAlan1 Arundel4 - Howard02 Atholl1 - Atholl1 Atholl2 - Fife1 Atholl3 - Stewart02 Atholl4 - Stewart19 Atholl5 - Stewart18 Atholl6 - Murray03 Aylesford - Finch2 Balcarres - Lindsay08 Bantry - White08 Bath1 - Bourchier1 Bath2 - Granville02 Beauchamp - Pinder2 Bedford - Russell02 Bellomont - Coote03 Belmore - Lowry1 Belvedere - Rochfort01 Berkshire - Howard06 Bessborough - Ponsonby01 Bolingbroke1 - StJohn03 Bolingbroke2 - StJohn05 Bothwell - Hepburn1 Bradford1 - Newport01 Bradford2 - Bridgeman1 Bridgewater - Egerton03 Bristol - Digby01 Brownlow - Cust1 Buccleuch - Scott3 Buchan1 - BZmisc02 Buchan2 - Comyn1 Buchan3 - Stewart18 Buchan4 - Douglas06 Buchan5 - Erskine02 Buchan6 - Erskine03 Buckingham1 - Giffard01 Buckingham2 - Hobart1 Burlington - Boyle03 Bute - Stewart33 Caithness - Sinclair01 Caledon - Alexander2 Cambridge - Plantagenet2 Campberdown - Duncan1 Cardigan - Brudenell1 Carhampton - Luttrell4 Carlingford - Taaffe2 Carlisle1 - Hay07 Carlisle2 - Howard05 Carnarvon - Herbert02 Carnwath - Dalzell02 Carrick1 - Galloway1 Carrick2 - Butler07 Carysfort - Proby1 Cassilis - Kennedy01 Castlehaven - Touchet2 Cavan - Lambert01 Charleville - Bury1 Chester1 - D'Avranches (AZvar01) Chester2 - Meschines1 Chesterfield - Stanhope02 Chichester1 - Leigh09 Chichester2 - Pelham02 Clanbrassill - Hamilton17 Clancarty1 - McCarthy01 Clancarty2 - Trench01 Clanricarde - Burgh03 Clare (Ireland) - FitzGibbon3 Clarendon1 - Hyde04 Clarendon2 - Villiers02 Clanwilliam - Meade01 Clonmell - Scott (SZmisc07) Cork - Boyle03 Cornwall - Burgh01 Courtown - Stopford01 Crawford - Lindsay03 Cromarty - Mackenzie03 Cumberland - Clifford2 Dalhousie - Ramsay02 Darlington - Vane1 Dartmouth - Legge1 Denbigh - Feilding1 Derby1 - Ferrers1 Derby2 - Stanley02 Derwentwater - Radclyffe04 Desmond1 - FitzThomas1 Desmond2 - Feilding1 Devon1 - Redvers1 Devon2 - Courtenay1 Devonshire - Cavendish2 Donegall - Chichester02 Donoughmore - Hely-Hutchinson (HZmisc2) Dorchester - Damer1 Dover - Cary01 Downe - Pope01 Dumfries1 - Crichton03 Dumfries2 - Dalrymple01 Dunbar - Dunbar01 Dundonald - Cochrane02 Dunfermline - Seton03 Dunmore - Murray13 Dunraven - Quinn01 Durham - Lambton01 Dysart1 - Murray12 Dysart2 - Tollemache1 Dysart3 - Manners3 Eglinton - Montgomery03 Egmont - Perceval5 Egremont - Wyndham02 Eldon - Scott01 Elgin - Bruce05 Ely - Loftus01 Enniskillen - Cole03 Erne - Crichton05 Erroll - Hay01 Essex1 - Mandeville1 Essex2 - FitzPiers (Mandeville1) Essex3 - Bohun1 Essex4 - Bourchier1 Essex5 - Devereux2 Essex6 - Capell02 Exeter - Cecil1 Ferrers - Shirley2 Fife1 - Fife1 Fife2 - Duff02 Findlater - Ogilvy02 Fingall - Plunkett3 Forfar - Douglas08 Gainsborough1 - Noel03 Gainsborough2 - Noel05 Galloway - Stewart10 Glandore - Crosbie01 Glasgow - Boyle02 Glencairn - Cunningham02 Glengall - Butler12 Gloucester1 - FitzRobert (Normans2) Gloucester2 - Clare1 Gosford - Acheson2 Gowrie - Ruthven2 Granard - Forbes05 Grey - Grey05 Guildford - North02 Haddington - Hamilton15 Halifax - Montagu02 Harborough - Sherard2 Hardwicke - Yorke02 Harewood1 - Lascelles2 Harrington - Stanhope03 Harrowby - Ryder1 Hereford1 - FitzOsbern (FZmisc02) Hereford2 - Gloucester (ZZmisc01) Hereford3 - Bohun1 Hertford - Clare1 Holderness - Darcy02 Howden - Cradock/Caradoc (Tmp03) Darcy02 Huntingdon1 - StLiz (SZmisc01) Huntingdon2 - Atholl1 Huntingdon3 - Hastings03 Huntly - Seton02 Hyndford - Carmichael1 Ilchester - Fox01 Inchiquin - OBrien04 Isle of Wight - Redvers1 Jersey - Villiers02 Kellie - Erskine04 Kenmare - Brown09 Kent1 - Plantagenet2 Kent2 - Holand1 Kent3 - Grey03 Kerry - FitzMaurice2 Kildare - FitzGerald01 Kincardine - Bruce05 Kinghorne - Lyon02 Kinnoull - Hay07 Kintore1 - Keith04 Kintore2 - Falconer01 Lancaster - Plantagenet1 Lanesborough - Butler08 Lauderdale - Maitland02 Leicester1 - Beaumont1 Leicester2 - Montfort1 Leicester3 - Plantagenet1 Leicester4 - Dudley1 Leicester5 - Sydney2 Leicester6 - Coke01 Leicester7 - Townshend2 Leicester8 - Coke04 Leitrim - Clements01 Lennox1 - Lennox1 Lennox2 - Stewart03 Leven1 - Leslie15 Leven2 - Melville02 Lichfield - Anson1 Lincoln1 - Romare (RZmisc02) Lincoln2 - Gant (GZmisc02) Lincoln3 - Lacy1 Lincoln4 - Clinton02 Lindsay - Lindsay05 Lindsey - Bertie1 Linlithgow - Livingston02 Lisburne - Vaughan04 Listowel - Hare03 Liverpool - Jenkinson01 Londonderry - Ridgeway1 Longford1 - Aungier1 Longford2 - Pakenham1 Lothian1 - Dunbar01 Lothian2 - Ker1 Lothian3 - Ker2 Loudoun - Campbell16 Lucan1 - Sarsfield1 Lucan2 - Bingham02 Macclesfield1 - Gerard01 Macclesfield2 - Parker01 Malmesbury - Harris01 Mansfield - Murray04 Manvers - Meadows01 Mar1 - Mar Mar2 - Erskine02 March1 - Dunbar01 March2 - Mortimer01 Marchmont - Home04 Marischal - Keith02 Marlborough - Leigh07 Mayo - Burgh08 Meath - Brabazon1 Menteith1 - Menteith (MZmisc01) Menteith2 - Stewart01 Menteith3 - Graham01 Menteith4 - Graham07 Mexborough - Savile03 Middlesex - Cranfield (CZmisc08) Minto - Elliot1 Monmouth1 - Cary01 Monmouth2 - Mordaunt2 Montgomery - Herbert02 Montrose - Graham02 Moray1 - Alpin1 Moray2 - Randolph (RZMisc02) Moray3 - Dunbar03 Moray4 - Stewart20 Moray5 - Stewart13 Mornington - Wellesley2 Morton1 - Douglas03 Morton2 - Douglas02 Morton3 - Douglas06 Mountcashell - Moore06 Mountrath - Coote01 Mulgrave - Sheffield1 Nithsdale - Maxwell02 Norbury - Toler (TZmisc04) Norfolk1 - Waer (ZZmisc01) Norfolk2 - Bigod1 Northampton1 - StLiz (SZmisc01) Northampton2 - Bohun1 Northampton3 - Compton01 Northesk - Carnegie03 Northington - Henley1 Northumberland1 - Swinton01 Northumberland2 - Percy02 Nottingham1 - Howard04 Nottingham2 - Finch2 Orford - Walpole1 Orkney1 - Sinclair01 Orkney2 - Stewart20 Ormonde - Butler01 Orrery - Boyle03 Oxford1 - Vere1 Oxford2 - Harley02 Poulett - Paulet2 Pembroke1 - Clare1 Pembroke2 - Marshall01 Pembroke3 - Hastings01 Pembroke4 - Herbert02 Pembroke5 - Herbert02 Perth - Drummond1 Peterborough - Mordaunt2 Plymouth - Windsor3 Pomfret - Fermor1 Portarlisngton - Dawson05 Portland - Weston02 Portmore - Colyear1 Portsmouth - Wallop02 Powis1 - Herbert03 Powis2 - Clive02 Radnor1 - Roberts01 Radnor2 - Bouverie1 Ranfurly - Knox03 Rivers1 - Wydeville1 Rivers2 - Darcy03 Rivers3 - Savage03 Rochester1 - Wilmot02 Rochester2 - Hyde04 Rochford - Nassau1 Roden - Jocelyn02 Romney - Marsham1 Roscommon - Dillon03 Rosebery - Primrose2 Ross1 - Ross01 Ross2 - Leslie01 Ross3 - MacDonald1 Rosse - Parsons01 Rothes - Leslie01 Roxburghe1 - Ker1 Roxburghe2 - Ker03 Rutland - Manners1 St. Germans - Elliot02 Salisbury1 - Evereux (ZZmisc01) Salisbury2 - Plantagenet1 Salisbury3 - Montacute1 Salisbury4 - Nevill02 Salisbury5 - Cecil2 Sandwich - Montagu03 Scarborough - Lumley04 Scarsdale - Leeke01 Seafield - Ogilvy02 Seaforth - Mackenzie02 Selkirk - Douglas (Hamilton13) Shaftesbury - Cooper01 Shannon - Boyle03 Sheffield - Holroyd (HZmisc02) Shelburne - FitzMaurice02 Shrewsbury1 - Montgomery01 Shrewsbury2 - Talbot02 Somers - Cocks1 Southampton - Wriothesley (WZmisc02) Southesk - Carnegie02 Spencer - Spencer02 Stair - Dalrymple01 Stamford - Grey07 St. Germans - Elliot02 Stirling - Alexander1 Stradbroke - Rous1 Strafford1 - Wentworth02 Strafford2 - Byng1 Strathearn1 - Strathearn1 Strathearn2 - Stewart02 Strathearn3 - Graham01 Strathmore - Lyon02 Suffolk1 - Waer (ZZmisc01) Suffolk2 - Bigod1 Suffolk3 - Ufford (UZmisc01) Suffolk4 - Pole01 Suffolk5 - Howard02 Sunderland - Spencer02 Surrey1 - Warren01 Surrey2 - Plantagenet1 Sussex1 - Albini (AZmisc01) Sussex2 - Radclyffe02 Sussex3 - Savile02 Sussex4 - Yelverton2 Sutherland1 - Murray01 Sutherland2 - Gordon04 Tankerville1 - Grey04 Tankerville2 - Grey04 Tankerville3 - Bennett01 Thanet - Tufton01 Thomond - OBrien04 Traquair - Stewart19 Tullibardine - Murray02 Tyrconnel1 - ODonnell1 Tyrconnel2 - Fitzwilliam03 Tyrconnel3 - Talbot04 Tyrconnel4 - Carpenter (Temp21) Tyrone1 - O'Neill01 Tyrone2 - Power1 Tyrone3 - Beresford3 Ulster - Burgh01 Warrington1 - Booth02 Warrington2 - Grey07 Warwick1 - Beaumont01 Warwick2 - Beauchamp01 Warwick3 - Neville02 Warwick4 - Plantagenet2 Warwick5 - Rich2 Warwick6 - Greville Westmeath - Nugent02 Westmorland1 - Nevill2 Westmorland2 - Fane01 Wicklow - Howard08 Wigtown1 - Fleming01 Wigtown2 - Fleming02 Winchester - Quincy (QZmisc01) Winchilsea - Finch1 Winterton - Turnour1 Winton - Seton03 Worcester1 - Tiptoft (TZmisc01) Worcester2 - Somerset1 Yarborough - Anderson02 Yarmouth - Paston01