Latest pages released
This page shows the genie data pages that have been uploaded into the database so far this year. Pages uploaded in earlier years are shown, in date order, here (2002-2011), here (2012-2021) and here (2022-2024). The subtotals in bold below, and on the prior-years pages, show the numbers of the pages at various midpoint dates (in order Section I-Section II-Section III = Ancient-Continental-British) which have been used to provide the following graph. This shows the growth of the database from September 2002 to January 2025 (excluding the many draft & temporary pages).

You may wonder what makes us decide to include some families before others. The answer is that there is often little logic or specific purpose to it. We started off with certain core families related to Stirnet's founder's family (as reported on Sources and acknowledgments) and then gradually expanded the database, trying to cover all parts of the British Isles. We recognised that it would be sensible for us to develop a base of some 'major' familes (such as the Stewarts, Tudors, Howards & FitzGeralds) but at the same time we were keen to include many 'small landowners' and 'townfolk' to evidence that we intend for the database to set a broad target for people who want to find connections to historical figures and not just make it easier for people who already have a clear connection to a well-documented family. From time to time we may focus on a particular area of the British Isles or on a 'theme' (past themes have included the British Prime Ministers shown on the Selected Individuals page). If we are presently working on any theme or series of reviews, there will probably be reference to that in either the "PCBG notes" below or the Long-Term Projects page.
We welcome suggestions for families to work on PROVIDED THAT you give clear direction as to where the data may be (or has been) sourced (remember that Sources and acknowledgments identifies many of the sources we already have copies of) AND you allow properly for the fact that we operate to the constraints reported on the Lead index page.
Several people have been very helpful with this, not least with suggesting useful sources we had not used previously, and so have obtained Free Membership. For more information on this, see Membership Scheme.
Prior years | 2002-2005 | 2006-2009 | 2010-2013 | 2014-2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
New pages |
1,919 | 1,745 | 1,279 | 671 | 261 | 231 | 214 | 331 | 225 | 223 | 158 | 154 | Total at 31.12.24 = 64+96+7251 = 7411 (excluding the many Draft & Temporary pages) |
New pages uploaded late in 2024
01.11 Darby2 02.11 Hardwick4 03.11 Battye1 04.11 Lyte2, Lyte3, Pearce4 05.11 Ollivant1 06.11 Furneaux2 07.11 Perceval5 10.11 Master3 11.11 Carr08 14.11 Alington2, Alington3 17.11 Newdegate2 At 30.11.24: 64+96+7244 = 7404 07.12 Chafy1, Chafy2 09.12 Atcherley1, Dickens02 10.12 Bernard04 21.12 Armytage3, Haworth1 At 31.12.24: 64+96+7251 = 7411.
New pages uploaded so far in 2025: 16
01.01 Cockerell1 02.01 Boileau1, Pollen1 03.01 Boissier1 04.01 Pearson2 08.01 Gurdon2, Gurdon3 14.01 Landon1 18.01 DeChair1. 22.01 Alderson1 25.01 [old Bagot2 renamed Bagot4] Bagot2, Bagot3 26.01 Lumley04 31.01 Clive02 At 31.01.25: 64+96+7265 = 7425 01.02 Edwards08 02.02 Fisher03 03.02 Conroy1.
PCBG notes (last updated 21.07.24)
(1) I have a large backlog of things to work through at the moment, not least:
* Catching-up with correspondence. I have problems keeping up with the emails I receive and do apologise to those of you who are still waiting for a response from me. For more on this, please see the Contact Us page.
* Working through several Long-term projects (see that page). Some of those projects are likely to be productive in generating new pages for the database but others may not be, being useful mainly for clarifying uncertainties or providing dates & other details.
* Trying to upgrade the huge amount of data in Draft & temporary pages: Can you help? so that it may be moved into 'the database proper'.
(2) Being apparently quiet for a while may mean that I have made only minor changes to the database pages in that period (something that is quite common; sometimes reviewing old pages & making minor changes can take longer than producing new pages) or that I am in the midst of a major project that is taking several days to complete (also quite common) or, of course, that I have simply not worked on the site recently.
A. Only on rare occasions will I work on Sections I & II of the database, the Ancient & Continental sections that cover the early ancestors of various British Royals and others (see Ancestral Lines). Normally I concentrate on expanding & improving Section III of the database ('British Families - Medieval, Renaissance & Modern'). If you wish to suggest a family for me to work on, please see "We welcome suggestions ..." above.
B. The following pages have recently been subjected to significant change/extension and/or review (some involving the insertion of new families): 02.11 Wood02 03.11 Fox03 04.11 Lyte1 05.11 Wilson02 07.11 Eaton2, Perceval2 08.11 Norris05 10.11 Master1, Starkey03 14.11 Alington1 17.11 Newdegate1, Parker12 09.12 Barnes1, Jones10, TZmisc13 12.12 Barnardiston01 18.12 Barnardiston02, Barnardiston03, Clerke03 20.12 Rawson02 21.12 Adams09 26.12 Cotton09, Packe1 01.01 DArcy06, Wood09 02.01 Gascoigne03 08.01 Gurdon1 09.01 Blackburn1 25.01 Bagot1 26.01 Lumley02 31.01 Clive01 01.02 Crispe2.
[N.B. I show here only pages that have been subjected to 'significant' change/extension or review. That a page has recently been subjected to a lesser (albeit not trivial) change may still be identifiable through looking at the entry for that page on the relevant sub-index page to see when it was last updated. "Trivial" in this context may include the provision of additional linkages to other pages even if that is likely to be of interest to some Members - so, if there is a page that you are particularly interested in, don't forget to check it now & then to see whether or not connections have been added to it since you last looked at it.]
C. Latest non-trivial additions/changes to Draft & Temporary pages linked to/from the Can You Help? page (excluding movement of data into the main pages of the database): 10.10 Temp40 25.10 Temp21 10.11 Temp23 14.01 Temp83.