'Ollivant1'Index links to: Lead / Letter
Families covered: Ollivant of Hutton-in-the-Forest (Hutton-in-the-Wold), Ollivant of Manchester

John Ollivant of Hutton-in-the-Forest, Cumberland (bur 23.04.17702)
m. Jane (bur 29.01.176/7)
1. John Ollivant of Hutton-in-the-Wold, later of Manchester (Lancashire(bpt 11.12.1729, d 01.12.1794, silversmith)
  m. (10.021757) Elizabeth (b 02.1.1736/7. d 05.04.1794, dau of Thomas Burrough or Bullough of Settle)
  A. Thomas Ollivant of Manchester (b 23.05.1762, d 07.11.1812, 3rd son)
  m. (06.10.1796) Sarah Whittenbury (b 19.12.1778, d 28.08.1825, dau of John Whittenbury of Failsworth Lodge by Alice)
  i. Thomas Whittenbury Ollivant of Manchester (b 19.07.1797, a 1826) had issue
  m. Mary Thornley
  ii. Sarah Whittenbury Ollivant (b 16.10.1799)
  m. (15.08.1825) Stanley Black of Noan, near Thurles (b 1793-4, bur 11.05.1875)
  iii.+ other issue - John Josiah of Manchester & Bowdon (b 01.10.1798, d 26.01.1868), Charles (b 31.05.1802, d 27.12.1802), Charles Edward (b 24.07.1806, d 06.08.1806), Edward (b 08.08.1807), Henrietta (b 06.047.1803, d 02.05.1804)
  B. James Ollivant (b 24.01.1767, a 1795, 5th son)
  m. (20.05.1799) _ Hunt
  i. Emma Ollivant
  C. George Ollivant (b 25.07.1768, a 1795) had issue
m. Betsey Taylor
  D. William Ollivant of Ancoat's Hall, Manchester (b 24.03.1773, d 26.02.1847)
  The following, which was first shown in OZmisc03 on 01.10.24, is supported by Visitation (Howard & Crisp, England & Wales, vol 6 (1898), 'Ollivant, formerly of Hutton-in-the-Wold, co. Cumberland', p15+).
  m. (14.11.1796) Elizabeth Langston (b 07.01.1776, d 25.02.1847, dau of Sir Stephen Langston of Berkhampstead & Little Horwood, Sheriff of London, by Rebecca, dau of Richard Chambers of Worsop)
  i. Alfred Ollivant, Bishop of Llandaff (b 16.08.1798, d 16.12.1882, 2nd son) had issue
  m. (05.09.1828) Alicia Olivia Spencer (b 31.07.1801, d 13.07.1886, dau of Lt. General William Spencer of Bramley Grange & Attercliffe by Charlotte Swann)
  ii. Edward Ollivant (b 03.08.1816, d 14.12.1883, Rector of Llandewi-Rytherch, youngest son) had issue
  m. (13.03.1844) Susan Maria Kayll (b 20.02.1816, d 10.02.1893, dau of John James Kyall of Douglas by Isabella, dau of John McClure)
  iii. Georgina Frances Ollivant (b 21.01.1807, d 18.01.1881)
  m. (19.04.1843) William Armitage of Farnley Hall & Anderby Hall (b 1798, d 1883)
  iv.+ other issue - Langston (b 08.09.1797, d 02.1868), William (b 08.11.1801, d 15.11.1801), Erasmus (b 15.12.1802, d 22.02.1824), Septimus (b 15.12.1802, d 22.02.1824), Arthur Beresford (b 22.01.1808, d 13.02.1829), Charles Henry (b 15.05.1809, d 15.07.1817), William Edward (b 30.01.1814, d 04.05.1814), Elizabeth Earle (b 09.01.1800, d 10.09.1857), Augusta (b 23.04.1804, d 28.03.1888), Louisa Rebecca (b 03.03.1811, d 30.04.1814), Emily Chambers (b 10.08.1812, d 22.04.1814)
  E. Mary Ollivant (b 22.01.1765, d 30.06.1803)
  m. (17.08.1786) Edward Rushton (a 1790, son of John of Manchester)
  F. Betty Ollivant (b 29.05.1774, d 29.16.1801)
  m. (12.01.1795) Richard Langston (b 21.05.1768, d 15.09.1838, m2. Margaret Gletcher, son of Sir Stephen Langston by Rebecca, dau of Richard Chambers)
  G.+ other issue - Thomas (bpt 28.08.1758, d infant), John (bpt 16.09.1759, b 1762-3), John (b 17.11.1763, d infant), Lydia (bpt 01.1766, d infant), Elizabeth (bpt 26.12.1771)
2. Matthew Ollivant of Hutton-in-the-Forest (bpt 02.03.1734/5, d 14.07.1818)
  m. (03.11.1762) Isabel Swainson (b c1731-52, d 23.08.1811)
  A. John Ollivant of Manchester, later of Salford (bpt, d before 12.05.1847, silversmith)
  m. Rachel Openshaw (d before 12.05.1847)
  B. Thomas Ollivant of Lowdyke, Hutton-in-the-Forest (bpt 01.02.1764, 08.01.21845)
  m1. Mary (b c1769, bur 16.12.1795)
  i. Peggy Ollivant (d 02.12.1876)
  m. Joseph Mounsey of Hutton-in-the-Forest (d 02.12.1847)
  m2. Mary Hudless (b c1776, d 08.10.1816)
  ii. Matthew Ollivant of Lowdyke (b 810, d 19.10.1884)
  iii. Rachel Ollivant (bpt 11.10.1812, d 16.07.1851)
  m. Joseph Howson of Lowdyke (d 10.12.1891)
  iv. Catherine Ollivant (bpt 22.03.1814, d 21.10.1877)
  m. (24.11.1840) George Godgson (b 24.08.1808, d 10.07.1857)
3.+ other issue - Thomas (bpt 12.11.1728, a 01.1790), Mary (bpt 10.02.1730/1, bur 19.02.1730/1), Isabel (bur 29.01.1736/7)

Main source(s): Visitation (Frederick Arthur Crisp, England & Wales, Notes, vol 6 (1906), 'Pedigree of Ollivant', p77+)
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