'Norris05'Index links to: Lead / Letter
Families covered: Norris of Fifield, Norris of Hughenden Manor, Norris of Wood Norton

(1) The following section was first launched on 28.12.20 as a section of a Temporary page. It was moved here after review led to acceptance that there was little chance of our making a significant improvement to it in the near future and that it was 'good enough' to be promoted into the main database.
(2) John is shown at the continuation as possibly son of the Edmund of Fifield whose eldest brother, Sir William Norreys of Speke, lived 1459-1506/7. We note that Visitation shows that John's wife Mary had a cousin, Richard, who was mentioned in 1424. That gave us concern that this John of Fifield was of the same line as his projected father Edmund. However, as the dates of the cross-references to this family from elsewhere in the database broadly support that John could have been son of Edmund, and noting the mistake with Elizabeth below, we view it as not unlikely that Visitation was mistaken with that 1424 date.
John Norris of Fifield, Berkshire
m. Mary Staverton (dau/coheir of William Staverton of Staverton Mnnor)
1. William Norris of Fifield
m. Mary Fortescue (dau of Adrian Fortescue)
  A. John Norris of Fifield
  i. John Norris of Fifield
  m. Mary Beresford (dau of George Beresford of London, widow of Roger Colte of Wodax or Woday)
  a. Elizabeth Norris
  Visitation shows that Elizabeth married Thomas Viscount Fenton. However, there is no indication in TCP (Kellie) that Thomas Erskine (1566-1639), who was later created 1st Earl of Kellie having been created Viscount Fentoun in 1606, ever married an Elizabeth née Norris. However, he did marry, in 1604 as his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Pierrepont, widow of Sir Edward Norreys. Note that CountyGen (Berry, Hampshire, p178), which is focused on the Staverton family and which otherwise follows Visitation & reports the above, does not mention Elizabeth at all.
  Mentioned in the Visitation, but not directly connected to the above line, was the following Anne. Uncertainty with the dates leads to uncertainty with the generations. She could be some generations earlier!
  b. Anne Norris
  m. Richard Staverton of Warvyle
  B. Jane Norris possibly of this generation
  m. Thomas Rudyard of Rudyard (d c1620)



The following section was first launched on 10.09.14 as a section of a Temporary page. It was moved here after review led to acceptance that there was little chance of our making a significant improvement to it in the near future and that it was 'good enough' to be promoted into the main database.
Robert Norris (d 1751)
1. John Norris of Hawley & Hughenden Manor (b 1721, d 29.06.1786)
  m. Ellen Savage (sister/coheir of Charles Savage of Hughenden)
  MGH (NS3, vol 5 (1904), 'Pedigree of the Family of Savage of Tachbrooke, Warwickshire', p101+) shows Ellen as m. John and mother of John of Hughenden, Sheriff of Buckinghamshire, bur 1786. Various web sites suggest that that John was in fact her husband rather than her son.
  p. Deborah Busby (housekeeper)
  A. John Norris of Hughenden Manor, Buckinghamshire (b 1774, d 1845) had issue
  m. Louisa Norris (b 1780, d 1842)
  B. Charles Norris (b 24.08.1779, d 13.10.1858, "topographical etcher and writer")
  C. Elizabeth Norris
  m. Richard Bevan
  D.+ 2 others (d young)



Robert Norris
1. James Norris of Mancroft, Norwich (b 1667-8, d 23.05.1718)
  m1. Susannah Cutting
  A. James Norris (bur 09.10.1729, Rector of Marsham)
  m. Anne (bur 047.07.1728)
  i. James Norris of Norwich (b 07.09.1720, d 05.07.1796)
  m. Rebecca Boyle (b 1706-7, d 15.08.1780)
  a. Susannah Norris (b 1747-8, d 19.05.1773_
  ii. William Norris of Wood Norton (b 14.09.1727, d 30.08.1798, Rector of Riddlesworth, Gasthorpe & Kilverstone, yiungest son)
  m. (before 18.11.1758) Susannah Chad (b c1738, d 27.11.1803, dau of Robert Chade of Thursford by Elizabeth, dau of Charles Wright of Kilverstone)
  a. William Norris of Wood Norton (b 1759-60, d 19.09.1818)
b. George Norris (b c1765, d before 20.11.1832, Vicar of Guise, 3rd son)
  m. (22.03.1790) Sarah Seaman (d 1803)
  The following is partly supported by Visitation (Howard & Crisp, England & Wales, vol 6 (1898), 'Norris of Wood Norton Hall, co. Norfolk', p111).
  (1) William Norris of Wood Norton Hall & Belvoir (d 07.05.1875, 3rd son)
  (2) Charles Norton of Bracon Ash, Norfolk (b 22.03.1800, d 20.07.1874) had issue
  m1. Mary Alpe (dau of Colonel _ Alpe by dau of Richard Hassell)
  m2. (09.04.1829) Harriet Frances Armstrong (b 01.05.1797, d 19.02.1837, dau of Rev. William Archibald Armstrong by Chartotte Eleanor Mary, dau of Richard Hassell)
  (3) James Norris of Debenham, Suffolk had issue
  m. Mary Bailey
  (4) John Norris (b 02.7.1801, d 30.06.1828, Curate of Raynham St. Martin) had issue
  m. Lucy Howes (d 25.12.1894, dau of Rev. George Howes of SPixworth)
  (5) Sarah Norris
  m. Francis John Blake of Norwich (b 31.03.1801, d 30.11.18785)
  (6) Frances Norris
  m. John Spurgeon (b c1801, d 28.01.1860, Rector of Twyford, Vicar of Guise)
  (7)+ other issue - George (b 1791, d San Sabastian 31.08.1813), Robert (d 1822),
  c. Robert Norris (d 04.1832, Rector of Aldborough) had issue
  m1. Rose Gunton (dau of John Gunton)
  m2. (sp?) Hester Spark
  d. Susannah Norris (b 1760-4, d 17.05.1839)
  m. Robert Sharrock of Gateley Hall & East Meon (b 1725-6, d 06.05.1803)
  e.+ other issue - James (d infant), Charles (a 1798), Judith (a 1794), Frances (a 1798)

other issue - John (b 31.12.1721, d 10.07.1722), John (b 02.02.1724/5, d 04.03.1725/6), Thomas (b 18.04.1726, d 15.12.1726)

  m2. Alice Long (d 23.02.1764)
  B. Judith Norris (d before 01.02.17332/3)
  m. (16.06.1723) William Pearce of Norwich (b c1700,m d 11.1733)
  C.+ other issue - William of Norwich (b c1703, d 10.11.1769), Robert of Postwick (b 1705-6, d 28.07.1744), Susanna (b c1709, d 04.12.1741)

Main source(s):
(1) For upper section : Visitation (Hampshire, 1530+1575-1622-34, 'Staverton')
(2) For middle section : various web sites including Wikipedia
(3) For lower section (redone when significantly expanded 08.11.24) : Visitation (Frederick Arthur Crisp, England & Wales, Notes, vol 6 (1906),
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