You are now viewing an archive of all posts written by Peter Barns-Graham.


Welcome. If you are new to this site, please note that the Families Database is the focus of the site and that I use the Latest pages released page to advise people on what is going on with the database. That page is accessed through the Families Database Menu at the top of each page and (unless you are viewing this on a tablet or smart phone) in the Families Database - latest link at the bottom of each page. Do explore the pages linked to from that menu. Also: if you have any queries, check out the FAQs pages linked to from the top of each page whilst, if you have any problems, check out the Support pages.


Season’s Greetings!

Season's Greetings! * From today to 25th December 2023: Have a Great Christmas! * From 26th December to (about) 6th January 2024: Happy New Year! * Thenafter: I wish you all the best throughout 2024 - and beyond!

"May you live in interesting times" gives a mixed message. I resonate with both sides of that message. Wikipedia * It is easier & better to live in times of tranquility than in times of trouble. * It would be boring to live in times when little changes.

I hope that 2024 will bring you good health and happiness with the right mix of stability and progress.



Welcome. If you are new to this site, please note that the Families Database is the focus of the site and that I use the Latest pages released page to advise people on what is going on with that database. That page is accessed through the Families Database Menu at the top of each page and (unless you are viewing this on a tablet or smart phone) in the Families Database - latest link at the bottom of each page. Do explore the pages linked to from that menu. Also: if you have any queries, check out the FAQs pages linked to from the top of each page whilst, if you have any problems, check out the Support pages.


King Charles III

Congratulations to His Majesty on the occasion of his Coronation yesterday. I enjoyed the service, the razzmatazz, and (in particular) seeing those who were there enjoying being part of a memorable experience. I also welcomed the declaration of service made by the King to his peoples. Right at the beginning of the service, almost certainly at his personal instigation, the King said “I come not to be served but to serve.” Furthermore, the sermon of the Archbishop of Canterbury was, possibly with the connivance of the King, on the theme of service and included “with the privilege of power comes the duty to serve”. I liked that.

I am truly pleased to live in a country where the Head of State has pledged to serve his peoples and, as far as I could tell, actually meant it. I am not impressed by the vanity shown by many leading politicians around the world. I'd rather have a Head of State who has been groomed for the job, and possibly does not actually want it, than someone who seeks power or influence for egotistical reasons. Yes, in many ways retaining a monarchy is somewhat anachronistic. However, when one looks at what other countries experience with the main alternative form of Head of State, that of an elected President, our having a constitutional monarchy alongside an elected Parliament seems a good idea. Our form of democracy is far from perfect but, whilst there is plenty of scope for fine-tuning it in various ways, it...


Welcome! If you are new to this site, please note that the Families Database is the focus of the site and that I use the Latest pages released page to advise people on what is going on with that database. That page is accessed through the Families Database Menu at the top of each page and (unless you are viewing this on a tablet or smart phone) in the Families Database - latest link at the bottom of each page. Do explore the pages linked to from that menu. Also: if you have any queries, check out the FAQs pages linked to from the top of each page whilst, if you have any problems, check out the Support pages.
