'Mowbray01'Index links to: Lead / Letter
Families covered: Mowbray of Mowbray, Mowbray of Norfolk

Roger de Mowbray
(1) It is possible that this family is very closely connected to that of Arkil who fled Northumberland into Scotland and was progenitor of various families there as well as in Northern England.
(2) The following connection is presumptuous inasmuch as, though BE1883 (Mowbray) reports that Nigil (Nele), son of Roger and Amice, obtained lands forfeited by his maternal uncle Robert de Mowbray, Earl of Northumberland, TCP (Mowbray) states that Amice's "parentage is unknown" and that "the nature of the kindred between Robert and Nele is unknown; it has been suggested that Nele's mother, Amice, was a sister of Roger de Mowbray, Robert's father, but no sound evidence has been produced to support such a conjecture."
1. Robert de Mowbray, Earl of Northumberland
  m. (div) Maud de L'Aigle (dau of Richard de L'Aigle)
2. Amice de Mowbray HJY
  m. Roger de Albini HJY



Roger de Mowbray (d 1188)
Roger was grandson of the above-mentioned Roger de Albini. According to BE1883, he assumed the surname of Mowbray by command of King Henry I after coming into possession of the lands of Mowbray.
m. Alice de Gant (dau of Walter de Gant by Maud of Brittany)
1. Nigil or Nele de Mowbray (d 1191)
  m. Mabel (possibly dau of "Earl of Clare", presumably Roger de Clare, Earl of Hertford, 'Earl of Clare' )
  A. William de Mowbray of Axholme Castle (d 1222)§C
  TCP identifies William's wife only as "Avice, whose parentage is not certainly known." BE1883 identifies her as ...
  m. Agnes (dau of Earl of Arundel)
  i. Nigel or Nele de Mowbray (dsp 1230)
  m. Maud (d before 06.10.1240)
  TCP reports that "the tradition" (given in BE1883) that Maud was daughter of Roger de Camvil "is without foundation" as he dsp.
ii. Roger de Mowbray (d 1266)
  m. Maud de Beauchamp (d 04.1273, dau of William de Beauchamp of Bedford)
  a. Roger de Mowbray, 1st Lord (d before 21.11.1297)
  m. (1270) Rose de Clare (a 1316, dau of Richard de Clare, 6th Earl of Hertford, 2nd Earl of Gloucester)
  (1) John de Mowbray, 2nd Lord (b 04.09.1286, d 23.03.1321/2)
  m. (1298) Aliva de Braose (d by 20.07.1332, dau of William de Braose, Lord of Bramber and Gower)
  (A) John de Mowbray, 3rd Lord (b 29.11.1310, d 04.10.1361)
m1. (28.02.1326) Joane Plantagenet (b c1312, d after 06.02.1345/7 or 07.07.1349, dau of Henry Plantagenet, 3rd Earl of Lancaster)
  (i) John de Mowbray, 4th Lord (b 25.06.1340, d 09.10.1368)
  m. (c1349/1353) Elizabeth Segrave (b 25.10.1338, d 1375/before1368?, dau of John Segrave, 4th Lord by Margaret, Duchess of Norfolk)
  (a) John de Mowbray, Earl of Nottingham (b c1372, d unm 10.02.1381-2)
  (b) Thomas de Mowbray, 1st Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal (b 22.03.1365/6, d 22.09.1400)
  m1. (15.03.1382-3) Elizabeth Strange (dsp 23.08.1383, dau of John Strange, Lord of Blackmere)
  m2. (07.1384/5) Elizabeth FitzAlan (d 08.07.1425, dau of Richard FitzAlan, 10th Earl of Arundel)
  ((1)) Thomas de Mowbray, Earl Marshal, de jure 2nd Duke of Norfolk (b c1386, dsp 10.06.1405)
BP1934 reports that "The title of Duke of Norfolk was withheld from him upon the erroneous plea that, having been conferred upon him in the parliament of 21 Richard II., the proceedings in which were avoided by an Act of 1 Henry IV., the dignity of Duke of Norfolk fell under that Act." TCP reports that the Dukedom was annulled "a few days only after his father's death". TCP reports that his brother John was restored to the Dukedom and numbers him the 2nd Duke. BP1934 numbers John the 3rd Duke.
  m. (before 06.1402) Constance Holland (dau of John Holland, Earl of Huntingdon, Duke of Exeter)
  ((2)) John de Mowbray, Earl Marshal, 2nd/3rd Duke of Norfolk (b 1392, d 19.10.1432)
  m. (12.01.1411-2) Catharine Nevill (dau of Ralph Nevill, 1st Earl of Westmoreland)
  ((A)) John Mowbray, 3rd/4th Duke of Norfolk (b 12.09.1415, d 06.11.1461)
  m. (1424) Eleanor Bourchier (d 11.1474, dau of William Bourchier, Count of Eu)
((i)) James Mowbray, 4th/5th Duke of Norfolk, Earl of Warren & Surrey (b 18.10.1444, d 17.01.1475-6)
  m. (by 27.11.1448) Elizabeth Talbot (d 1506/7, dau of John Talbot, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury)
  ((a)) Anne Mowbray (b 10.12.1472, dsp 1481)
  m. (15.01.1477/8) Richard, Duke of York & Norfolk (d 1483)
  ((3)) Isabel de Mowbray (d 27.09.1452)
  m1. Henry Ferrers, younger of Groby (dvp)
  m2. (1423) Sir James de Berkeley, 1st Lord (b c1394, d 11.1463)
  ((4)) Margaret de Mowbray
m. Sir Robert Howard
  Their son John became Duke of Norfolk.
  ((5)) Elizabeth de Mowbray (a 11.1423)
  m1. Nicholas, Lord Audley (d 1391)
  m2. John, Lord Beaumont (d 1396)
  m3. Michael de la Pole, 3rd Earl of Suffolk (d Agincourt 25.10.1415)
  (c) daughter
  m. Roger, Lord de la Warr
  (d) Margaret (sb Eleanor?) de Mowbray (b before 25.03.1364, d before 08.1417)
  m. John de Welles, 5th Lord (b 20.04.1352, d 26.08.1421)
(e) Anne de Mowbray, Abbess of Barkyng
  (f) Catherine Mowbray probably of this generation
  m. Henry Grey (m1. Emma Appleyard)
  (ii) Blanche (or Joan) de Mowbray (d 21.07.1409) probably of this generation
  m1. (c1349) John de Segrave (d young)
  m2. Sir Robert Bertram of Bothal (d 11.1363) ## see here ##
  m3. (before 05.06.1372) Thomas de Poynings, 2nd Lord (bpt 19.04.1349, dsp before 25.06.1375)
  m4. (1377/8) Sir John de Worth (d 1391)
  m5. (by 1394) Sir John Wiltshire (a 08.1405)
(iii) Alianore (Eleanor) de Mowbray (d before 18.06.1387) probably of this generation
  m1. (before 23.07.1358) Sir Roger La Warr, 3rd Lord (b 0.11.1326, d 27.08.1370)
  m2. (before 12.02.1372/3) Sir Lewis de Clifford (d 1404)
  m2. Elizabeth de Vere (d 1375, dau of John de Vere, Earl of Oxford)
  (B) Christian Mowbray probably of this generation
  m1. Richard de Emildon (d 1333)
  m2. Sir William Plumpton of Plumpton (d 1362)
  (2) Alexander de Mowbray of Kirtlington or Kirklington
TCP makes no mention of the 1st Lord having any son other than his successor but BE1883 mentions this Alexander "who went to Scotland". We provisionally follow the web sites which identify this Alexander as of Kirklington (and father of the Elizabeth who married Sir William Gascoigne) but hope to investigate this further in due course.
  m. Elizabeth Muster (dau of Henry Muster) name found on various web sites
  (A) Elizabeth Mowbray
  m. Sir William Gascoigne of Gawthorpe (d 1412)
  (B) Margaret Mowbray
  m. Thomas Ingleby (a 1350)
  b. Maud Mowbray possibly fits here
  m1. Sir James de Audley (d before 07.11.1273)
  m2. (1275) Sir John Deinville of Egmanton (d before 10.1291)
  iii. Joan de Mowbray (d 1314-5)
  m. (c1261) Robert de Mohaut
iv.+ 2 daughters
  B. Robert de Mowbray
  C. Philip de Mowbray of Barnbougle (a 1215, ambassador) --
  m. Galiena (dau of Waldeve of Dunbar) --
  D. Roger de Mowbray
  Roger is not mentioned by TCP but is identified by BE1883 as of this generation and as ancestor of the Mowbrays of Kirklington. We have so far found references to 2 different Mowbrays of Kirklington, Willliam and Alexander, but have doubts about the William because his mention by BEB1844 (Ingleby of Ripley) may have been in error. [BEB1844 identifies the wife of Sir Thomas Ingleby (a 1350), father of the John who founded the monastery of Mount Grace, as Eleanor, daughter & heir of William Mowbay of Kirtlington by Margaret, dau of John Chaumont of Colton, but Walker's Yorkshire Pedigrees (1942, Chaumond of Colton) shows the daughter of Margaret Chaumond by William Mowbray (of no designation) as Ellenor (d 1470) who married Thomas Ingleby, son of the John who founded that monastery, ie. 2 generations later.] We provisionally follow those web sites which show Alexander of Kirklington as brother of the 2nd Lord, see above.
  E. daughter
  m. Enguerrand du Hommet (brother of William the Constable)
2. Robert de Mowbray

Main source(s): BE1883 (Mowbray of Nottingham, Norfolk, etc), BP1934 ('Mowbray, Segrave and Stourton'), TCP (Mowbray)
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