Welcome to Stirnet Histories


Back in October 2014, in a News Item that may still be seen, I reported my intent to simplify the site in order to emphasise its focus on Genealogy. I had decided to put aside most of my aspirations for the site to cover Social History in a novel way as well as Genealogy. Whilst that was very disappointing, it was only realistic and, indeed, necessary to ensure that I could continue with the FAMILIES DATABASE for many more years.

I have started preparations for a complete makeover of the site that will involve a new look for the site as well as the above-mentioned simplification. Reworking this page forms part of those preparations. It may well be that the next version of the site will, like this one, be built on WordPress which, according to its web site (as at the date hereof), “powers 36% of the internet”. I don’t know yet. WordPress is powerful not least because many plugins have been developed for it that are useful for a site such as this one. However, I do not make much use of one of the main things that WordPress is best known for: its support for blogs that support correspondence between poster and registered users. It is possible that the site will make more of that sort of thing in the future, perhaps it should, but for the moment I am in a ‘simplification phase’.

I have redone this page not least because the previous version did not draw attention clearly enough to the EXTRA CONTENT page that will play a significant role in the next version of this site. In due course I will probably move the links to the Events & Trends and Places sections of the site from the column on the right side of this page to that Extra Content page.

PCBG, 14th April 2020

Written by on the 1st January 2014.

Peter is the founder & proprietor of Stirnet.